Dealing with Stress 🌟


           Lately I've been feeling out of sorts, currently I'm in College and there is a strike that is occurring that is effecting my education, we have been out for four weeks and I might loose the semester. But there is also the apartment uncertainty that is mentioned in the last post which like a cherry-on-top feels like its all out of my hands. Through all this, I've been trying to maintain a positive attitude and a hopeful outlook with school and the apartment.
So what helps you to stay cheerful? Here are some of mine.
                             1. Being Grateful: 
I look at my life, all the people that I have around me, all that I've gained with hardships and hard work and I come to realize that there is much to be grateful for. I have a journal that I will write in when I'm feeling under the weather and need a reminder. I usually as myself the question, what happened today that makes you feel grateful?  These little things make it all seem less overwhelming and more of a lesson.
                               2. Paint/Colour:
Honestly, this always works for me, when I put my focus on painting or doing a coloring book that is all my mind is focused on at that moment. I will even make myself a cup of tea or pour myself a glass of wine, and some calming music and than I'm set to put my mind on something else other than the issue.

                                3. Read a book:
Reading is perfect for stress relief, not only can you read anything from self-help to fantasy, there is everything for anyone. If you don't like reading, listening to audio books has the same purpose of relaxation. I find when I'm reading it helps me to escape from the moment and go somewhere else with the characters and I am only focused on reading into the next page not what is bothering me.


                                4. Venting:
Friends and family are a great source and support during a time of  difficulties. I know for me going to visit Nana, having a warm drink and telling her what is happening and what has been upsetting me always helps. They also want to know and help, family and friends can tell when something is going on with you, body language gives it away. They will always give their opinions and advice as that is human nature we always want a say in most things, but its nice to hear how someone else may take what is occurring in your life. If they have ways to ease it, even better.

                               5. Crying:
Most people would disagree, but we all know that a good crying session is all we need sometimes.When everything seems to get to be too much and it all feels like it is collapsing on top of you, all you want is to cry. Than yes, go ahead and cry, there nothing absurd about it, it is super natural and normal, everyone does it, and yes big girls can cry! There have been many times when I feel like I've been holding it in and a good cry is all needed, I felt better when my body had its reaction to the stress.


                               6. Drink a Glass or Two of Wine, or whatever alcoholic drink you enjoy:

When nothing is working and everyone is too busy, Pop a bottle of wine and pour yourself a glass, or drink from the bottle if you want. This will help to completely forget what was bothering you in the first place, and maybe also get you dancing around your place, with no pants on. But who cares, one night of fun, and not thinking about your worries won't hurt. Of course I don't condone drinking and driving but drinking and singing in your place is okay. All those troubles that were there will disappear even if it is, just for that moment.

                                     7. Take a Long Bath:
This is one of my favorite things to do, a nice warm bath with some candles, bath bombs and some tunes to get me in the "me time" zone. When I'm in there having the bath I try to focus more on the feel of the water, the smell of the candles and the quiet music thats playing in the background.  I will also have something to drink, my go to is a cup of tea.This is a perfect time to just think about yourself and indulge. 

