⇜ A List of My Favorite Books ⇝


I am a little book worm 🐛,I have always had a love for books, they are an amazing way to escape from this reality and go into the world that the writer created. There is nothing better than an evening spent on your comfy couch with pillows, blankets and either a cup of tea or coffee.Especially on a cold winters night when there is nothing better to do than to stay inside and keep warm. I don't  have a particular genre that I am gravitated towards, but lately I have been reading books that open the mind and are more open to spiritualism and mystical,they aren't listed below, but maybe that can be for another post. 
The books listed are ones that I personally own and are now located in my over-stuffed bookshelf. Maybe one day I'll own a wall to wall bookshelf.But for now my little bookcase will do.So let's get started with some of my favorites:

Beautiful Disaster was a quick read for me, it is a romance with some drama and flair. I ate the romance scenes up like it was Haggen -Dazs coffee ice cream. Honestly this book had me smiling like a school-girl.Its a perfect summer read and a good quick read. 
"The new Abby Abernathy is a good girl. She doesn't drink or swear, and she has the appropriate number of cardigans in her wardrobe. Abby believes she has enough distance from the darkness of her past, but when she arrives at college with her best friend, her path to a new beginning is quickly challenged by Eastern University’s Walking One-Night Stand."(Amazon)

This Book, Big Magic was given to me as a Christmas gift and a wonderful present indeed, there was so much form this book that was uplifting and of course inspiring. Especially for those out there who are creative and need a little push to get going or for those who just need a little motivation this book is for you. Its lively and well written and really gets you believing in magic.
"Readers of all ages and walks of life have drawn inspiration and empowerment from Elizabeth Gilbert’s books for years. Now this beloved author digs deep into her own generative process to share her wisdom and unique perspective about creativity. With profound empathy and radiant generosity, she offers potent insights into the mysterious nature of inspiration. She asks us to embrace our curiosity and let go of needless suffering."(Amazon)

I bought this book on a whim for a dollar at a re-use it store, and I honestly can say that I don't regret spending that one dollar on this book. It was fabulous, it was a super quick read and there was every theme that I enjoy from romance to mystery. A Gothic romance that I could not put down and devoured in a few hours. If you can find this book, read it, defiantly one on the top of my list. 
"Seduction and murder.Adam Traywick may be capable of both. 

In this celebrated gothic romance, will Miranda be the next victim of Barrett's Hill?"(Goodreads)

The 5th Wave is a great sci-fi/action read, I sat down and wanted to devour it that same night, but its a big book which was awesome for me, mean there was more to enjoy. If your into the world ending and trying to survive this is it. Defiantly one that I fully enjoyed, and now considering reading the rest of them, there is also a movie but I can't say I enjoyed the movie any. "After the 1st wave, only darkness remains. After the 2nd, only the lucky escape. And after the 3rd, only the unlucky survive. After the 4th wave, only one rule applies: trust no one." (Amazon)

This is the perfect mix of fun and drama, a chick lite for any girl out there, a good summer read about romance and testing the friendship boundaries, which I wouldn't recommend doing like the main character did unless you are totally in love with the guy. This was one I'll go back too because its a easy and light read. Plus there is a movie that goes with it and it's just as enjoyable in my opinion.
"The night of her thirtieth birthday when Rachel finally confesses her feelings to Darcy's fiance, and is both horrified and thrilled to discover that he feels the same way. As the wedding date draws near, events spiral out of control, and Rachel knows she must make a choice between her heart and conscience. In so doing, she discovers that the lines between right and wrong can be blurry, endings aren't always neat, and sometimes you have to risk everything to be true to yourself."(Amazon)

Marilyn Monroe is one of those people that you wonder about, about her life and especially about her death. She was a gorgeous woman with a lot of trouble in her life, there is so much mystery behind her that there is still books being written about her. So of course being curious like the rest of society I read her Biography and her life is nothing like what I had pictured, Interesting and full of facts and maybe untrue facts but a fascinating book on her life. 
"Taraborrelli draws complex and sympathetic portraits of the women so influential in the actress' life, including her mother, her foster mother, and her legal guardian. He also reveals, for the first time, the shocking scope of Marilyn's own mental illness, the identity of Marilyn's father and the half-brother she never knew, and new information about her relationship with the Kennedy's-Bobby, Jack, and Pat Kennedy Lawford."(Amazon)

A Discovery of Witches is a fantasy that you want to finish in a few hours.I could't wait to get home from work so I could snuggle in my bed and read this book. A delight of visuals and imagination, and the love story your rooting for the whole entire time. A book with witches and vampires, what more could you ask for?
"In this tale of passion and obsession, Diana Bishop, a young scholar and a descendant of witches, discovers a long-lost and enchanted alchemical manuscript, Ashmole 782, deep in Oxford's Bodleian Library. Its reappearance summons a fantastical underworld, which she navigates with her leading man, vampire geneticist Matthew Clairmont." ( Amazon)

A compelling love story and a book that keeps you wondering what is going to happen next. The characters were relatable to a degree and there was always a feeling of wanting more, the romance is what got me deep into this read.
"Sam's not just a normal boy - he has a secret. During the summer he walks and talks as a human, but when the cold comes, he runs with his pack as a wolf. Grace has spent years watching the wolves in the woods behind her house - but never dreamed that she would fall in love with one of them."(Amazon)

The best is always saved for last and this book is one of  my favorites. The romance, the mystery and the overall theme of this book kept me wanting more. It was like nothing like I had read before, as it touched on the subject on reincarnation and different lives which I found alluring.Highly recommend. My name is Memory is good to read anytime and a fast and easy read that you won't wanna put down. 
"Daniel has spent centuries falling in love with the same girl. Life after life, crossing continents and dynasties, he and Sophia (despite her changing name and form) have been drawn together-and he remembers it all. For all the times that he and Sophia have been connected throughout history, they have also been torn painfully, fatally, apart."(Amazon)

